Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Last 20 Years

So, I read an old(ish) blog entry at the Letter B today about a 20 year reunion and the 1 paragraph life summary that would be given at such event. I'm a wee bit younger than the Letter B, so 20 years ago I was not graduating from high school, nor was I in high school. I was 11 (or 12) depending on when you're counting from and how old I think I am today...I'm 31. I swear I was just 25 and sometimes I wake up and think I'm 32. I don't know. Right. Onward.

I give you my life since the age of 11 (or 12 - ish):

Finished up 6, 7, & 8th grade at St. Patrick School in Lawrence, MA. Ever the rebel child, I did not matriculate to either of the all-female Catholic high schools in the area but instead went to Lawrence High (where I was assured I would not last and people had been shot). Had a great time in high school - managed the volleyball, wrestling & baseball teams, was involved, got good grades, acted in some non-school plays, goofed off. Graduated high school 3rd in my class (or 4th or 2nd, it doesn't really matter, does it?) - and went off to Tulane University in New Orleans for college. (It was a tie between Hamilton in upstate NY and Tulane...parents said that they could not picture me in NOLA - plus I think they were having a pretty good shooting year. Picked Tulane - this is a theme). Hated it for the first semester. Stubborn bitch that I am told myself I would stay for a full year. It is a well known fact that you cannot hate New Orleans during the 2nd semester or spring - because you have the Super Bowl (which actually took place in NOLA twice while I was there), then MARDI GRAS, then St. Patrick's Day, Spring Break and JAZZFEST and then you're done. It's a veritable whirlwind of activity. Came home and worked my summer job (woohoo York Beach Dairy Bar - from age 14 to age 22) - went back to Tualne. Managed the volleyball team and traveled all around - not as fun as in high school, involved lots of laundry. Again, fall semester, not my favorite but knew spring was coming. Nothing really exciting for the next couple of years. Learned to love New Orleans, made some excellent friends, worked in Maine in the summers, graduated from college. One last summer in Maine. Moved back to New Orleans - worked at Tulane, O'flaherty's, and Margaritaville (among others that I would sooner forget) - not the best use of a BA in Art History, was desperately poor and had a fantastic time. Took up with a Rock Band (Tom's House), played mom, girlfriend or wife as was called for - icky girl won't leave: girlfriend or wife; need to go home already: mom. Met some super duper cool people. Moved home in 2002 after losing forgetable job. Lived with parents, worked at hotel in Boston (as a glorified secretary, again, not the best use of a college degree or MY college degree). Moved out of parents' house and into the apartment of my now husband. Started dating husband. Got a dog. Went to NOLA as much as possible. Scammed me a job at Jazzfest working security. Got engaged. Had THE BEST Wedding in NOLA in June of 2007. Quit/lost hotel job in August 2007, enrolled in a master's program for secondary education at UMass Boston in January of 2008. Now it's Christmas 2008, almost finished with my masters and getting a little antsy for a trip to NOLA but it's almost Jazzfest.

El fin.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


I am totally bummed by the end of NaBloPoMo! Not because I was writing every day, because I obviously was not. But because so many of the blogs I follow were updated every day and then, come the first of December, POOF. I'm going through withdrawal and it ain't pretty!!